BabyKaykes' Married Bio


If you aren't yet married, and you're seeing this, then I encourage you to think about getting ready with as few people around as possible. I got ready with my best friend and being just the two of us, with tea, and soft music, I was able to stay focused, relaxed, and mildly carefree.

The BIG One...

I have received many questions recently about what appears to be one loc in the back of my head, that is longer than all the rest. Don't think you're crazy, people, it REALLY is longer.

On September 20th, 2010 my mother, at the age of 49 years old, was diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer. It sucks, really, considering we lost my little brother in 2005 to Bone Cancer. She asked me to help her cut off her locs, which she had been growing for over 7 years. What she didn't want me to do, though, was shave my own head - which she knows I gladly would have done. So instead, I took the first loc that we cut off, and added it to one of my own.

So, in tribute to my mother (who is alive, and fighting through this ordeal), I dub this: The BIG ONE